Wellbeing Guide 2024
Are you a carer?
We're here to help
Adult Carers Referral Form
Young Carers Self Referral Form
Young Carers Professional Referral Form

telford and wrekin
all age carers centre
we care because you care

Do you think you are a young carer?
If so, we are here to help you with all your questions and worries.
Young carers may have to deal with a range of illnesses with the person they care for, such as disability, chronic illness, mental health difficulties or problems with drugs or alcohol misuse.
They may take on all types of caring responsibilities - cooking, cleaning, shopping and other practical homecare or personal care such as lifting, washing and toileting. They may give emotional support. Many carers take on caring responsibilities that an adult would normally do.
With the risk of social isolation, bullying, school attendance problems, and physical and mental ill health themselves, young carers can often find life tiring, worrying and lonely.
If you think you are a young carer or you know someone who is please get in touch with us
We'll give you practical and emotional support to give you a chance to enjoy and achieve, just like your friends and other children and young people your own age. This is what we provide for young carers in Telford and Wrekin:
information, advice and guidance around every part of your caring role
someone to listen to your worries and try and help
regular school drop-ins where you can pop and see us for a chat
fortnightly Young Carers Youth Club, with sport/crafts/games/special visits
holiday and half term activities, with trips/events/sports/picnics/walks
befriending - volunteers who are matched with a young carer to give regular support